Our pigs, unlike most farms are not only raised on concrete.
Our pigs have access to pasture, dirt and mud where pigs can dig a wallow and be pigs! The pigs will graze on pasture but are also supplemented to round out a well balanced diet. Our pigs enjoy garden trimmings, fruits and vegetables from the local market, milk and mixed grains.
Orders will be processed at McPhee’s Butcher Block and we do our own curing and smoking on your ham and bacon orders. Because we take care of everything in-house, we offer two separate “per lb” hanging weight costs on our pork. The options are with ham and bacon and without.
If you would like to get ham and/or bacon with your order, the per lb hanging weight cost is $6.50. If you do not want any ham and bacon with your order, the per lb hanging weight cost is $6.00. This means no additional processing costs at McPhee’s Butcher Block at the time of pick up!
One Half Pig:
Hanging Weight Range: 80-140 Ibs, average is 100lbs
One Whole Pig:
Hanging Weight Range: 160-280 Ibs, average is 200lbs